Australia Glenelg Playground设计方:WAX Design 位置:澳大利亚 分类:公共环境 内容:实景照片 图片:8张
该项目是对位于澳大利亚Glenelg地区的海滩游乐场的设计。这里是一片海滨地区,风景优美,该游乐场的建造为这里增添了一些探险和刺激,主要是为了发展孩子们的想象力和创造力。在该项目中,设计团队主要安装了一些冒险装置,并对场地上一些自然的探险景观进行改造,让孩子们能够在轻松的环境中感受摸索,发展认知和智力。 该游乐场的建立成为了沙滩的标志性景观,孩子们可以在这里有一次难忘的探险经历,也成为了孩子和家长们度假游玩的不二选择。同时,由于海滩的人口流量大,人们可以在这里认识到不同的朋友。该游乐场的设计不仅与周边的城市环境吻合,而且设计师们也将当地传统的历史文化元素融入到设计中,打造的海滩景观。场地上的沙丘和预制混凝土呈波浪和丘陵的形状,反映了该地区的天然地貌特征,附近的4米宽的滑梯和架高的木质平台不仅仅是娱乐项目,而且对整个场地起到固定的作用。 译者:蝈蝈 Glenelg Foreshore Playspace has transformed a trip to the beach into an adventure that entertains children in new, imaginative and innovative ways. Promoting principles of nature play and risk-benefit, the playspace integrates opportunities for children with physical, sensory, cognitive and intellectual disabilities. The playspace represents a new benchmark; an innovative play experience that has revitalised the Glenelg Foreshore, creating a destination where children and adults can play, socialise and connect with the coast. The design of the playspace borrows from the surrounding landscape context as well as the history and culture of the Glenelg Foreshore. The mounds and precast concrete walls reflect the waves and dune formations, reinforced by the inclusion of a giant 4.0m wide slide and elevated timber platform that form the ‘prefect break’.